Friday, February 11, 2011

The Geography of Mexico

Mexico is a north american country located at  23° N and 102° W. It is a Spanish speaking country, with a population of an estimated 111 million, and covers an area of 1,972,550 square kilometers. One major mountain range is the Sierra Madre Occidental, which is home to a number of pine-oak forests. 
Mexico has coasts on both the gulf of mexico and the pacific ocean. Mexico is also home to a fair amount of volcanic and seismic activity. Two volcanoes that could have affect a large region are  Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl, both of which are located near Mexico City, the country's capital, with a population of 21.1 million. There are also many ancient ruins belonging to to Aztec scattered throughout the region, along with those of other ancient civilizations from the area.  

The climate of mexico is split between the north and the south, with the north being dryer and temperate,and the south being warmer and more tropical. Most of the large cities are located in or around the Valley of Mexico.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Education in Colombia

Education seems to be becoming more important in Colombia. Public Education in free and compulsory for five years, however public schools are controlled mostly by religious orginaizations, with some support from the government. There is a high dropout rate at primary school level, as schools are often far away from student's homes. There are programs in place to provide some agricultural training for students who do not attend secondary school or collage, as most of those types of school are in the cities, far away from rural villages, but there is some educational television available. The National University in Bogotá is one of the oldest in the western hemisphere, being founded in 1572.